What we do
We promote dialogue in families, generations, cultures, communities.
We support the renewal of communication and the recovery of relationships in families, we defend the rights of children.
- Chronic conflicts, violence, addictions, criminal activity as a cause, an accompanying sign or consequence of break up or divorce of parents, trauma on the part of children and adults ... these are common problems of families (biological and foster) with whom we work.

Since 2012, we have focused on supporting the renewal of dialogue in families that are going through a long period of difficult times.
- Our main job is to provide social and legal protection to a child in situations of conflict between parents. The aim is to ensure that the child has the right to both parents (provided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child) and to enable him or her to form and develop a relationship with each of them, even when his or her parents are divorcing or harming each other.
In the families of our clients
- We support adults (parents) in their ability to create (physical and mental) environments that will enable the child to healthy development. We help adults, in the interests of each of their children, to develop a relationship between themselves as parents - they remain parents, even if they split up or broke up as partners.
- We provide children with safety and with the possibility of re-establishing a relationship with each of their parents for as long as these parents are not able to manage it with their own strength (e.g. it is not possible for them to meet without a conflict or to handover children between themselves).
We provide activities within the entire Prague scope
- Applicants from all over Prague can apply for our direct support (as well as families from other cities if the child falls under one of the Prague OSPODs).
- Our workplace in Prague's Bubeneč includes a fully-equipped playroom for assisted contacts and a room for consultations and supportive self-experience groups, or for organizing workshops and seminars.
For families, also foster families
Facilitated (Assisted) contacts
To ensure safety for children when restoring contact with their parents we provide Facilitated Meetings and Facilitated Handovers.
For adults in families
Mediation, Parent group
We offer to parents, foster parents, grandparents a mediated Parental dialogue, or professional counseling.
For children in families
Children group, child therapy, or consultations
In cooperation with the whole family, we offer children a space to share what interests and bothers them.

For collaborating organizations
Educational and mediating activities
We provide case mediation, implement prevention programs, and thematically focused workshops.
We advocate dialogue in our society and the development of restorative justice in the Czech Republic
We defend the human rights of every human being. We work with people at risk of violence or at risk of behavior that degrades their human dignity. We believe that seeking and finding ways to communicate with each other on an individual level strengthens respect and the nonviolent approach to the human being in a family and a community, this approach further helps to develop an awareness of equal rights for everyone. Thus with our work, we contribute to the development of civil society and democracy.
We are pleased with the willingness and interest in our good practice on the part of the judiciary and social work, e.g. the SPOD department of individual city districts of Prague or regional courts, which perceive us as a trustworthy and desirable organization in supporting divorcing parents in a conflict situation.