Conditions and rules of cooperation

What can be expected from the cooperation

Pro Dialog, z. s., specialists (hereinafter referred to as Pro Dialog)

  • seek, formulate and defend the best interests of each child;
  • keep clients informed about the possibilities of cooperation in Pro Dialog;
  • respect the personality and decisions of each participant in Pro Dialog activities;
  • proceed in accordance with their professional knowledge and experience;
  • respect social rules for communication;
  • at the request of the SPOD body or court, prepare a written record of Pro Dialog activities. 

  • Participant of activities in Pro Dialog

    • will participate in the agreed activities in Pro Dialog will attend the consultations that are anintegral part of agreed activities and will keep to the agreed dates and times;
    • will inform in good time of their absence for serious reasons;
    • will notify ProDialog immediately if they know that they cannot attend on the agreed date;
    • enable each of their children to gain their own support through regular individual contact withPro Dialog staff, appropriate to the child's age and needs;
    • be active in achievingagreed individual cooperation objectives in the best interest of each child;
    • provide true information, respect common rules for communication;
    • will respect the instructions and recommendations of Pro Dialog experts in specific situationsduring the Pro Dialog activities;
    • takes note of Pro Dialog's working hours;
    • acknowledges that repeated absence from activities, postponing dates for activities may have asignificant impact on the achievement of the set objectives.

    The following conditions of cooperation are agreed for activities in Pro Dialog

    • All participants will refrain from all acts of violence and aggressive behaviour during theactivities;
    • During the activities, everyone present minimizes the use of the mobile phone;
    • With respect to the protection of the privacy and dignity of children and others, none of thosepresent shall make audio or video recordings of activities unless otherwise agreed;
    • All participants support the goal of cooperation, which is to develop the relationship betweenthe child and a close person present. Every participant will subordinate the content andhappenings to this;
    • No one is under the influence of alcohol or other drugs
    • All those present shall refrain from any vulgarity and condemning or offensive statements andgestures directed against any person in the activities;
    • In the presence of a child, the language of all present is entirely decent;
    • Participants undertake not to wait for the arrival or departure of other participants in Pro Dialogspace, or pursue other participants or seek access to Pro Dialog space out of the agreed time;
    • Participants accept that Pro Dialog staff can, in the child's interest, interfere into child and parent activity;
    • In the event that participants need other person to accompanythe child to Pro Dialog instead of a regular person, it is an obliged requirement that they inform Pro Dialog employees of this intention in such time so that Pro Dialog can take a stand on this, but at least 2 working days in advance. It is not possible to change the accompaniment for the dialogue without issuing an opinion.
    • In the event that participants wish any other person to participate in Pro Dialog activities withthem (no matter who they are), it is essential that they inform Pro Dialog staff in such time tobe able to take a stand on this, at least 5 days in advance. It is not possible to realize theparticipation of other persons in the activity without issuing an opinion;
    • If, during activities, there is a situation in which the child's interest could be endangered, Pro Dialog staff reserve the right to terminate the activity at any time;
    • There are no Pro Dialog activities on the day of one or both parents' court proceedings;
    • Participants accept that they may be offered participation in educational activities that Pro Dialog undertakes during the year-that are offered as additional options for client support an deducation; the decision on whether or not the clients participate in such activities is left to everyone of course.

    Reasons for termination of cooperation

    • Termination upon request of the participant;
    • Fulfilment of cooperation objectives;
    • Termination by reasoned decision of Pro Dialog (for example: repeated late cancellation of participation in agreed activities may lead to such a decision);
    • Failure of the participant to comply with the agreed terms and conditions of cooperation. 

    Filing and handling complaints about the work of Pro Dialog

    In case the employees of Pro Dialog do not meet the conditions and rules of cooperation, the participant has the right to file a complaint. Complaints may be submitted in writing with a signature or anonymously, orally, by telephone, mail or e-mail. The complaint can be entered in the Book of Wishes and Complaints at the Pro Dialog workplace, or sent to the address of Pro Dialog for the attention of the director.

Terms and conditions of cooperation valid for the year 2024.